
Interactive Items

The interactive items are in the sections Life, Earth and Physical. You can access all the interactive items belonging to a section by clicking on the buttons below. These buttons appear across the site.

Home Life Earth Physical

Type of item
The interactive items are divided, within the sections, into the following types:

  • Apply It! – Investigate and research key scientific concepts, just like any real scientist
  • Art In Motion – Watch scientific processes come to life with fantastic animations
  • Interactive Art – Click on the diagrams to interact with scientific processes
  • Real-World Enquiry – See how science is used to help us in the real world
  • Untamed Science – Join the Untamed Science crew in these high-energy videos
  • Visual Analogy – Understand tricky scientific concepts by comparing them to everyday objects or scenarios

A Tag is a short description of an interactive item. When viewing an interactive item there will be a list of tags above the item player. You can click on a tag to access similar interactive items, which are also described by this tag.

Tag List

What you need to view interactive items

Interactive items are embedded into webpages using iFrames. You will need to use a browser that supports iFrames to view interactive items. iFrames are supported by Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari.

Some interactive items use javascript to run. You will need to enable javascript on your browser to view these items.

Flash player
You will need to have Flash player to view interactive items. This can be downloaded here.